Things that are most (un)important

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Election Day Today

In honor of Super Tuesday, there is an online test at Political Compass which tests your political world view along the social and economic axes. I'm sure the test has a large smudge factor due to ambiguous questions and limited answers, but it is interesting to see where various world leaders are. Of course, take it with a grain of salt since the site could be biased.
There is a diagram (right) which shows the primary candidates, which can be helpful in some ways to match your political viewpoints. The diagram is based on a world view, so although the democrats are considered liberal in the US, they are really centrist in the worldview. Dubya would be the most extreme of all the candidates.
For everyone that wants some entertainment mixed in with their politics, there is
The Daily Show. Looking forward to Indecision 2004.


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