Things that are most (un)important

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Dangerous links between Corporations and Government

Recent news in the P2P front points ominously to the power of the media corporations on government. Given the recent proposal (PIRATE Act) in congress and the one in the state legislature, it is quite obvious that the government is in the backpocket of the RIAA and MPAA.

What pisses me off the most is the complete BS that the media corps and politicians are presenting to the public. The media corporations are alleging that P2P users are child pornographers, criminals, and terrorists. That is the most outrageous lie this side of Iraq. It is incredibly irresponsible for politicians to push these issue based exclusively on the money from the media corporations. I'm sure that the politicians (i.e. Mr. Hatch) do not fully understand the underlying technology.

Luckily, these are just proposals that (hopefully) won't see the light of day. And if it does, I hope enough people would stand up and protest the hijacking of our government. [BTW donate to the EFF. I do.] However, it is still quite alarming to read just how much the government at all levels favors big business.


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